Let’s do this simple test.
- Are you tired when you wake up in the morning?
- Do you find it hard to concentrate during the day, or do you more time to complete a task that you are used to doing?
- Are you feeling increasingly irritable or annoyed at work?
- Do everyday situations at work seem increasingly unbearable to you?
- Do you find that there is not enough recognition for your efforts?
- Do you consider yourself to be a worthless person?
- Are you lacking motivation (no longer feel like shaving, getting dressed, etc.)?
- Do you find it difficult to pay attention to your colleagues and even your family?
- Do you find it hard to smile or laugh?
- Do you want to go somewhere far away from people, stress, or responsibilities?
If you answered “yes” to the vast majority of these questions, it’s a sign that you are indeed at risk of burnout. It’s time to correct the situation by seeking help (from your manager, the human resources manager, a doctor, etc.).
In Quebec, nearly 24% of employees report experiencing psychological distress, while 6% suffer from depression and 4% from burnout.
Define your role, revise your priorities and learn to say NO.
It’s time to admit it: you can’t do everything. Don’t be afraid to talk to your teammates and superiors about your need to delegate certain workloads. It is, in fact, more profitable for the company to seek internal or external help than to lose a trained and competent employee. Very often, delegating and trusting others is a solution to take the weight off your shoulders… and off your mind.
Manage your work time.
Of course, every entrepreneur, every freelancer, every startupper and even every employee has faced a similar problem one day: accumulation of workload. The pressure generated by such a situation will eventually become unbearable at one point. To remedy the situation, it is necessary to manage one’s time well. An important project in sight? Plan your schedule accordingly so that you spend a fixed number of hours every day without working overtime.
Let it go.
Let it go, let it go… Sometimes you have to say stop and let go. Even if a project seems like a golden opportunity to grow your business, if you think it’s too difficult to meet the requirements, it’s probably best to pass on your turn. Other opportunities will present themselves when the time comes.
Communicate, express yourself.
It’s often said that talking unravels situations. A friend, a family member, your employer… choose your interlocutor carefully and express yourself. Talk to them about your problems, your worries. The simple fact of ventilating yourself allows you to release accumulated tension. An absolutely free therapy!
Delegate your work to a virtual assistant.
The services of virtual assistants help businessmen, self-employed workers and sometimes even managers to carry out certain administrative tasks. Without having to mobilize a full-time secretary (which is too much of an expense in most cases), your administrative needs can be taken care of by an assistant who works remotely. Nothing better to lighten your workload with confidence.
If you are interested in this service, Nuage B can offer you the service of a remote receptionist. With Nuage B, a real person takes your calls and helps you with your administrative paperwork, whether it’s full-time or for a temporary replacement (vacation, maternity leave, illness, etc.). Call us now!
As you can see, staying Zen at work is not easy, but it is certainly manageable. Carry on & Namaste!